Flex-Fee Workshop Pricing


Community Rate ($25)

This rate is for those who are low-income or have fluxuating income; have no to low savings; minimal expendable income each month; are always fed but have to work hard to pay rent; and/or would pass on this event without this option. LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and those living with disability are welcome to take advantage of this option, too. (If this rate is inaccessible to you, please email me at lisa@lisaermel.com. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.)

Feel free to use discount code “COMMUNITY” at checkout!


Sustainer Rate ($50)

This rate is for those who are low- to mid- or mid-to-high-income and/or have job stability, with a fair amount of money in savings and/or financial support from family, have expendable income each month, and can afford to take vacations and make purchases with relative ease.

No code needed. Easy peasy!


Producer Rate ($75)

This rate is for those who are high-income or upper class, with savings accounts and financial safety nets, take vacations and make larger purchases without second thought, and/or have benefited from intergenerational wealth.

Simply select “Producer Rate Add-On” at checkout. Thank you!